Fertilizers are the chemicals that are applied on the agricultural crops to increase the yield of crop and protect them from harmful pests. The fertilizers are rich in nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.
Karen and Jimmy growing tomato to conduct the research. They conclude that large amount of fertilizer is helpful for plant growth. This is wrong because high fertilizer can decrease the plant growth and may cause the death of plant. The fertilizers are required in the exact amount in the plants and there inappropriate level inhibits the plant growth.
Limiting factors include a low food supply and lack of space to live in. Limiting factors can lower birth rates, increase death rates, or lead to emigration because of infertile land which is will unable you to grow your own plants. When organisms face limiting factors, they show logistic growth
The term being describe above is the hormonal method in which it prevents the egg from reaching the ovaries to prevent the women from being pregnant during intercourse. There are different types of hormonal methods being used, and it does not only prevent eggs in reaching ovaries but it prevents also sperm in reaching the uterus.
The reasons are:
- the blood is very low on nutrition
- the leech is not feeding itself regularly
The leech slows it metabolism a lot, so it can survive on very low nutrition. The blood is very low on nutrition, and it is the leech's food source, so the evolution made it preserve energy.
The leach doesn't have the opportunity to feed itself on regular basis, so it takes maximum advantage of any opportunity and consumes as much blood as possible so that it can survive long term when it will not have food at disposal.