Because its what is in the inside that counts!!
I really wouldn't put this, unless your teacher is really nice and likes creativity!!
Sectionalism increased steadily in 1800–1850 as the North industrialized, urbanized and built prosperous factories, while the deep South concentrated on plantation agriculture based on slave labor, together with subsistence farming for poor whites who owned no slaves.
El cuento Nido de Avispas, de Agatha Christie relata la historia de un señor enfermo, Harrison, que prentendía cometer suicidio y culpar al antiguo novio de su pareja de dicho acontecimiento al tenderle una trampa. Un viejo amigo de él que es un detective se da cuenta de lo que va a ocurrir solo por casualidad y decide impedirlo, le tiende una trampa a Harrison evitando que cometiera el suicidio mencionado y evitando que culpara al ex novio de su pareja. Harrison pensaba suicidarse debido a que sufre de una enfermedad terminal y a que se da cuenta que su amada novia había vuelto con su ex novio y era consumido por el odio de dichas situaciones. Al final el Detective regresa para terminar con el nido de avispas que se encontraba en casa de Harrison y que sería la trampa para que Harrison culpara al ex novio de su pareja cuando fuera a ayudarle a eliminarlo y le confiesa que lo salvó de cometer tanto el suicidio como de inculpar a un inocente lo cual, Harrison, agradece.
<em><u>Deindustria</u></em><em><u>lization</u></em> would be your answer!
=\ Deindustrialization is the process of social & economic change due to reduction in the activity of industries.
<h3>Hope it helps! </h3>
Alexander The Great as he was known, was and excellent, sophisticated military leader considered by many historians as a genius. Thanks to his greatness, Alexander the Great was able to practically changed the nature of the ancient world by himself in less than 10 years.
When he was in front of his armies he commanded them by example. The fact that he considered himself to be indestructible made him gamble, and take extreme risks with his own life as well as the soldiers he lead.
He was born in July of 356 BC in the city of Pella which was the capital of Macedonia at the time. Also and most importantly, he was educated by the great philosopher Aristotle. After his father assassination Philip II in 336 BC, young Alexander took control of the kingdom his father left. Unfortunately, the kingdom was in a very precarious and volatile situation which he quickly was able to put under control by defeating all of those who opposed him at home. Later, he went on to conquer and control the entire Persian Empire.
Thanks to all of these attributes of courage, ingenuity and self confidence, Alexander the Great was able to control and maintain a firm grip on Greece and the whole Persian Empire.