Parenthood is a challenge like everything in life. There are many responsibilities but perhaps the most "general" one is that as a parent that person is in charge of another life. Their responsibility is to prepare their children to live in our society. For example, teaching them how to get along with other people, social skills, as well as personal hygiene and other necessary life skills.
Because troughout an individual's teenage years, the brain amd body are still developing. the part of the brain that is responsible for msking rational decisions is not yet fully established. im fact, some areas may not be done developing until individuals reach their twenties.
Thomas Szasz
In his book The Myth of Mental Illness: Foundations of a Theory of Personal Conduct in 1961.
Adults need between 1,000 and 1,200 mg of calcium a day: If you currently consume 3+cups of milk per day, consider moderating your milk intake.