When you use a WYSIWYG editor you typically specify the content and layout while the editor generates the HTML code
Complete the blanks
In WYSIWYG, the user of the application provides contents to the WYSIWYG software and also designs the appearance; The appearance is referred to as the layout.
Throughout the design, the user will not use HTML codes; it is the duty of the WYSIWYG editor to generate HTML code based on the input designs by the user.
Array: (a) All the messages a user has sent.
Variable: (b) The highest score a use has reached on the app. (c) A username and password to unlock the app.
An array generally has more than one value whereas a variable can only contain a single value at any particular point in time. In addition, a variable has a limit whereas an array does not have any maximum limit. Therefore, it can be concluded that option (a) will be stored as an array while options (b) and (c) will be stored as variables.
EDVAC (Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer) was the successor to ENIAC, was binary based, and used stored programs, and was also designed by Eckert and Mauchly, UNIVAC I (UNIVersal Automatic Computer I) was the first commercial computer. It was designed by the same two men who designed ENIAC and EDVAC.
Look in your recently deleted album and if it is not there try checking your iCloud, if its not there then it's sadly probably gone forever.