As a matter of terminology, albino guinea pig actually refers to a white fur guinea pig, whose genotype is homozygous recessive (bb).
If it crossed with a black fur guinea pig and gave 5 black fur offsprings, there is a good chance that the black fur parent is homozygous dominant (BB).
The Punnett square would be as follows:
b Bb Bb
b Bb Bb
So they are all heterozygous black fur offsprings.
However, it is not impossible that the black fur parent be heterozygous, namely
B b
b Bb bb
b Bb bb
Giving a 50% chance on each colour. Thus it is possible (with probability 1/32) that all five offsprings are heterozygous black fur if one of the parents was heterozygous.
In the second case, a homozygous recessive and a homozygous dominant parent will never give a white offspring. So it is sure that the black fur parent is heterozygous, with the following Punnett square:
B b
b Bb bb
b Bb bb
With a 50% probability for each of Bb (black fur) and bb (white fur).
the distribution 4,3 demonstrates this perfectly.
A hypothesis MUST be testable.
The answer to your question is: B. marco nutrients
A. minerals Minerals are micro nutrients, and the help enzymes in the metabolism but they do not provide energy the body.
B. macro nutrients Macro nutrients are composed by proteins, lipids and
carbohydrates; lipids and carbohydrates are the
main sources of energy.
C. micro nutrients Micronutrients and vitamins and minerals, they help
the body to acquire energy, but they do not
produce it.
D. vitamins vitamins help to maintain a health body but do not
produce energy.
In my experience the head won’t grow back and the rest of the cactus will rot, but in any attempt in saving the plant you can continue to water it as usual or replant the head in a different pot.
Second Punnett on the first attachment.
In a 4 x 4 Punnett there are a total of 4 squares. Twenty five percent (25%) of 4 is 1. This means that only 1 square out of the 4 should have the genotype that you are looking for.
Okay going at it in a biological sense. Because red eyes is dominant, we know that the allele should be represented by a capital R. It is X-linked, so it should be on the X. The problem is looking for the probability of a male offspring so the combination should be XY (this means the offspring is male, XX is for females).
So taking that all together, you're looking for the genotype combination:

So you need to find the Punnett that has only 1 square with this combination. The attachment shows which specific Punnett: