In mendelian inheritance, the alleles for a gene show normal dominant-recessive relationship. Chromosomes also show crossover due to which new random combination of traits is possible in the offspring. This crossover takes place between homologous chromosomes during meiosis I.
Organellar DNA like the ones present in mitochondria and chloroplast do not follow mendelian inheritance because unlike nuclear chromosomes they do not have cross over events. There is no orderly segregation of alleles during meiosis. Traits controlled by them are usually inherited as it is and usually it is from the maternal parent because paternal gamete like sperm does not contain mitochondria.
Because they are non renewable sources of energy and they took billions of years to form.
Models can be used to predict or explain events is the statements accurately describe models in science.
- Scientific modeling is also known as a scientific activity. The aim of the modeling can understand easier, define, quantify, visualize. Scientific knowledge gives a common knowledge to everyone.
- Normally, Science is a subject which cannot clearly explain moreover it is to be interpreted.
- There are different types of models present some of them are mathematical models, graphical models, operational models, etc.
- Scientific models are increasing in the fields of science education and Philosophy of education.
Due to the increasing temperature in ocean it is more advantageous for start fishes to reproduce asexually because they can regenerate via a process called fragmentation.
In fragmentation, a part of arm or a part of disc is separated from the parent body and grows into a complete new organism; an individual star fish.
Moreover, regeneration is the ability of an organism to renew, or re-grow any part of the body, makes it resilient to environmental fluctuations.