illness anxiety disorder
- <em><u>illness anxiety disorder sometimes known as hypochondriasis, is a disorder in which people strongly believe they have a serious or life-threatening illness despite having no, or only mild, symptoms</u></em>.
- The symptoms of illness anxiety disorder include; Excessive worry over having or getting a serious illness, physical symptoms are not present or if present, only mild, fear of illness which is normally not due to another mental disorder and excessive health-related behaviors.
There you go! they explained it better than I could. hopefully that helps you, for more information you could simply look up an article.
By using both of these schemes, energy source and locomotion, amoeboids can be classified properly. Both schemes play an important part of amoeboid’s taxonomy classification because these organisms changes its shape when feeding. Amoebas are traditionally classified under sub-phylum Sarcodina, single-celled with pseudopods (use for locomotion) but recent studies show that they are not monophyletic and actually belong to other groups of organisms — with locomotion and source of nutrients as basis.
im pretty sure its adaptation <3