The market value of equity should be used.
Their are only two methods which are book value method or market value method. The market value method is preferred because the reason is that the market value gives the more accurate numerical value that the securities of the company will give which is the required rate of return to its investors. However historic cost data is not useful because the value of stock and bonds keeps changing every second in the stock exchange and their is the risk that the WACC calculated is inaccurate which implies that the project appraised is also incorrect.
So the best way to calculate the weighted cost of capital is that we should use the fair value of the securities.
A). to track monthly changes in prices paid by urban consumers.
CPI(Consumer Price Index) is characterized as 'a statistical estimate of the price level of goods and services bought by consumers for consumption purposes by the households.' It primarily aims to estimate the change or swap in the prices of the weighted average price of the common basket(consumption goods, as well as, services that the consumers pay for). It is calculated using the formula;

= current Consumer Price Index
= Current price basket
= Cost of price basket in the base year
It assists in deducing whether the average prices have received a fall or rise and determines inflation or deflation. Thus, <u>option A</u> is the correct answer.
Answer: <u><em>The adjusting entry at the end of the year will include a credit to Allowance for Doubtful Accounts in the amount of: $750</em></u>
Accounts receivable = $640
Allowance for Doubtful Accounts = $110
<em><u>Therefore, the correct option is (c).</u></em> supply hope that helps