<u>Social</u> neuroscience seeks to identify the neural basis of social behavior and looks at how we can illuminate our understanding of groups, interpersonal relations, and emotions by understanding their cognitive underpinnings.
Social neuroscience can be defined as the interdisciplinary study of multilevel neurobiological processes (nervous, endocrine, immune) that allow us to interact with the social world, of how neurobiological events affect psychosocial processes and how these, in turn, have effects at the biological level, that is, it addresses fundamental questions about the mind and its dynamic interactions with the biological systems of the brain and the social world in which it resides. This field studies the relationship between neural and social processes, including the intermediate components of information processing and operations at the levels of neural and computational analysis.
No free man shall be seized or imprisoned, or stripped of his rights or possessions, or outlawed or exiled, or deprived of his standing in any way, nor will we proceed with force against him, or send others to do so, (except by the lawful judgment of his equals or by the law of the land).
The answer is: Vincent Ogé
<span>Vincent Ogé was a mix-raced 'free man' who was wealthy and educated, a rarity at the time for someone from mixed ethnicity.
He made his money through plantation and was well traveled in Europe. On a trip to Paris, he saw the French revolution take place before his eyes.
However, he saw how the benefits of the revolution were only for the 'white people'.
With the help of the British he wanted to end slavery in <span>Saint-Domingue.
</span><span>He was eventually executed by the French and he became a symbol of the slave struggle. His death caused huge riots for days.</span>
It is always not possible to select the entire population to conduct a study. So, a sample is chosen from the population which has the same differences of factors in equal proportions. Only then will the research be considered as valid for the whole population.
When the sample represents the population completely then the results of the study can be extended to the population. This is known as generalization.
Hence, the question is referring to generalizable.
Not sure if he called it a "holy experiment and that all I know is that Pennsylvania means "Penn's Woods".