Empathy is the capacity to understand or feel what another person is experiencing from within their frame of reference, that is, the capacity to place oneself in another's position. Definitions of empathy encompass a broad range of emotional states.
<em>Agenda-setting theory</em> is a social science theory which attempts to make predictions regarding the influence of the media. It describes the ability of news media to influence the important topics on the public agenda.
This theory argues that the news media has a great influence on the audience by covering some news more frequently and prominently, thus making the audience think of it as more important.
Nevertheless, news media does not operate within a vacuum. Policy makers and participation of the public have an important role when it comes to the decision of what makes public priorities. Therefore the society is active in building the setting and making a causal relationship with the media which then is reshaping the agenda-setting.
George Washington, john Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Monroe
Cognitive process in ope-rant conditioning
The cognitive process is the process related to the mental process in which a person involved in the process of gaining knowledge and comprehend the knowledge. In this process many processes are involved such as remembering, knowing, judging and problem-solving.
It encompasses the knowledge and it is higher-level processing in which imagination, language, planning, and perception are involved. Many of the psychologists think that people acquire knowledge through observation and perception.
In this process when a person sees any object, hear any voice will transform that information into signals and that person's brain can take that cue and can act upon that cue. Thus in above statement cognitive process play a role in ope-rant behavior