it is based on observation becasuse you dont automaticly lknow everythig in science sorry about the spellig
The answer is D. Double Helix
Answer: Sea walnuts are marine invertebrates. They belong to the genus Mnemiopsis.
These animals have stinging tentacles like jelly fish and they often cast up or come to the sea shores where if they come in contact with humans can harm them by stinging.
The barrier if kept along the side of the sea shore and not allowing humans to reach to the shore can help in preventing the harm from these animals. The introduction of the predatory animals in the sea can also help in reducing their population.
The three benefits for removing the sea walnut:
1. The population of other species will increase as sea walnut is an invasive species.
2. The balance of the marine ecosystem can be maintained.
3. Humans can be protected from the harm caused by these animals.
C. light-years is the best to describe the distance
Answer: C
Explanation: The process that occurred in the lake is natural selection. In the presence of an external environmental influence such as pollution, only the trouts that were fit to survive or in other words those that have the alleles that help in adapting to the new conditions live and increased in numbers. In such a case, one can say the fittest of the organisms survived and the corresponding allelic frequency in that population increased over time. The organisms carrying the other alleles died due to pollution and hence the overall frequency of alleles change.