These cells produce cytotoxins capable of triggering the lysis by apoptosis
Mental demands may be psychological or emotional and could lead to stress if not properly managed.
When stress takes its toll, it limits the individual's ability to perform efficiently on the job even with respect to tasks that are routinely carried out.
With the invent of technology, computers and other mobile devices may be used to reduce the need for memorization, as this involves a lot of mental energy.
The genetic information, as in the sequence of the DNA, is identical in all the cells of the body.
B. When an antibiotic is used, bacteria that have a natural variation for resistance to the antibiotic have a greater chance of survival.
Antibiotic resistance is a consequence of evolution via natural selection.
The antibiotic action is an example of environmental pressure to bacteria, therefore; those bacteria which have a mutation allowing them to survive will live on to reproduce.
They will then pass this trait to their offspring, which will be a fully resistant generation.
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