Government is generally more efficient at providing goods and services than private businesses. businesses should not provide services because a free market would be more efficient.
Mahatma Gandhi made spinning on the charkha and the daily use of khadi , or a coarse cloth made from homespun yarn , very powerful symbols. these were not only symbols of self-reliance but also of resistance to the use of British mill-made cloth....;
The king and Great Britain taking advantage of them with higher taxes, limiting their rights, invading homes. All I which America didn’t want to be ruled by Great Britain. Also there was this time after the French and Indian war where the king limited land to the colonies and they got triggered.
Creativity can help brands to create a following, as well as promote their products. ... It turns out that many people believe that a brand is high-quality and worth their attention, simply because they're impressed by the effort that went into producing such a creative advertisement.
The advertisement is necessary to aware people about commercial and for availing profit. The media in the form of newspaper, news channel and radio utilizes the opportunity to advertise the products. The media obtains huge profit for advertisement of products. The media obtains the support for their telecasts.