Diamond is the hardest mineral
mohs scale has been used worldwide to test the hardness of a mineral.Because it is cheap,easy to do and understood instantly. Other hardness test never gain that much popularity as Mohs scale.Its a relative integer scale comparison of being scratched. Other hardness test in which a specific pressure applied for a specific length of time.An example of a mineral with variable hardness is kaynte. Another best example is diamond with variable hardness people who cut diamond have known its variable hardness, In Mohs scale of hardness diamond 's position is number 10-10000 is its hardness.
Since sea urchins are picky, they are used as indicator organisms in public aquariums to determine if the system is functioning properly. This is because they are very "picky" about water quality. If the water is contaminated, the sea urchins will be the first to show signs of stress, spines laying down or falling off. Do use an aquarium filter and do clean up the day after feeding. Any metal exposed to the seawater will corrode and poison the tank. A dying sea urchin will often spawn out and rot out, causing the others in the tank to spawn and die as welll.
Fertilization takes place in the fallopian tube
Lightning is not considered a form of precipitation but rather a discharge of electricity.