When was BSE first discovered?
BSE first appeared in British cattle in the mid-1980s. There have been numerous cases detected in other countries. A complete list of countries is available from both the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).
<em>When a baby is born, the zygote has become about </em><em><u>26 </u></em><em>billion cells</em>
Cell: Cell is defined as the structural and functional unit of living thing. I.e The cell is the simplest and the basic unit of life. All living things are made of cell.
Zygote: A zygote is a single cell formed from the union of a male cell called sperm and a female cell called egg.
<em>When a baby is born, the zygote has become about </em><em><u>26 </u></em><em>billion cells</em>
I think it is that the cytoplam divides