There are differing responses to this question, depending on which character provides the answer. Casca explains to Brutus and Cassius that, in the arena, Caesar refused the crown every time Antony offered it because each time he refused, the crowd responded uproariously. Casca observes that “he would fain have had it,” implying that Caesar’s refusal was, essentially, theater and that he was simply pandering to the crowd. On the other hand, Antony uses the same incident to reveal that Caesar refused the crown because he was not ambitious or power-hungry. However, it’s more likely that Caesar’s motivations were as Casca implies: Caesar theatrically refused the crown to further secure the hearts and minds of the people, and he fully intended to accept the crown when the senate officially offered it to him.
<span>. sound-alike confusions, for example, "T" instead of "D".</span>
the answer is true the Frank's did create Feudalism
Untouchability is the practice of excluding a group by segregating them from the mainstream by social or legal mandate this is wrong because all people should be treated fairly.
One of the leading cynical philosophers of modern times is Nicolas Machiavelli. In the Prince's chapters examining the virtues that are proper to a prince, Machiavelli reminds us that many, i.e. Plato, Aristotle and their followers, have imagined states and kingdoms that never existed, prescribing to the rulers that they maintain behaviors that would be more appropriate to those living in heaven than to those living on earth. For Machiavelli, most moral standards are not full of hypocrisy and the Prince is not advised to follow them if he wants to retain power. Machiavelli's morality is definitely full of disillusionment with regard to human affairs; he had witnessed first-hand how rulers had been killed or overthrown for lack of a realistic approach to their efforts.
Machiavelli's example can help us, to a great extent, to resolve the controversial aspects of cynicism. Declaring oneself a cynic is often considered a bold statement, almost a challenge to the most basic principles that hold societies together.
However, a cynical attitude can also be non-subversive in its purposes. For example, a person may adopt a cynical attitude as a self-defence mechanism, that is, as a means of dealing with everyday issues without being hurt or adversely affected (from an economic or socio-political point of view, for example). Under this version of the attitude, a cynical person does not need to have a big picture of how a government, or any government, works; nor does he need to have a big picture of how people operate; it seems simply wiser to assume that people act out of self-interest, often overestimating their conditions or ending up being affected by bad luck. It is in this sense that being cynical can be justified, or even sometimes recommended.