To s and the flow of matter and energy between organisms
In economics a demand is defined as the quantity of goods and services that customers are capable to buy and that they find desirable to buy at a particular price for that period of time .
Demand is dependent on the customer's needs and wants each customer may have different things that they consider to be needs to them and those they consider as just wants.
This also depends on affordability, if one doesn't have the money to buy the product then the demand isn't effective.
When the price of the product rises usually it's demand decreases and vice versa when the price fall the quantity of that product demanded will increase.
Poverty in Nigeria can be caused by the political instability of the country. because the government is corrupt and wastes money on rubbish while the people suffer and they are political unstable
The main point of the Gettysburg Address was this: Foreign Nations, stay out of our civil war! The union has turned the tide and the rebels to will be conquered and we will be one nation again soon. For the union, the civil war was not about slavery, but about making the Union whole