You right click the mouse. hope this helps
Not really is she wants the words that she's typing down sometimes it's not necessary to leave it to the auto correct It can always be bad when re-reading it again.
def get_middle_ten(sentence):
ind = (len(sentence) - 12) // 2
return sentence[ind:ind + 12]
# Testing the function here. ignore/remove the code below if not required
The expression of this question can be given as:
*ip + 1
In this question, it is given that ip variable has been declared and initialized and the ip variable is in the first half of the array. It finds the expression whose value is after the element of the array that ip points. So the expression to this question is *ip + 1. Where * is used to define ip variable as a pointer and its value is increased by 1 that is given in the question.
Parity Bit
Given that Parity bit is a form of strategy or method that utilizes a scheme in adding a solitary bit to a binary string. This can be either 1 or 0, thereby making the total quantity of bit to become either odd parity bit or even parity bit during storage.
Hence, the technique that uses a scheme to sum the individual digits in a number and stores the unit's digit of that sum with the number is called PARITY BIT.