1) determine the probability of individuals inheriting a disease
2) In the future, new genetic mutations will arise, and knowing to understand genetics would be important in helping analyze the problem/mutation in genetic recombination.
3) Genetics allows us to link diseases to one another (pedigrees) by analyzing if they are recessive, dominant, and/or autosomal, this allows us, as scientists to be able to identify and classify future diseases, and to determine their inheritance pattern, in the future.
Las leyes de Mendel son leyes que describen la herencia de rasgos hereditarios. Las leyes forman la base de la genética clásica. Asumen que cada individuo posee dos alelos para el mismo rasgo y los recibe al azar de los cuatro alelos diferentes de los padres. El fenotipo (apariencia física) del individuo depende de cuál de los dos alelos es dominante y cuál es recesivo. Dado que los individuos pueden transmitir ambos alelos a su descendencia, la descendencia incluye tanto individuos con fenotipo dominante como recesivo.
It decreases
The sun provides energy for plants to grow and then animals eat the plants and humans eat animals throughout the transfer of energy through digestion energy is lost via digestion and excretion.
Therefore your answer is B, it will just be the complementary base pair, with uracil pairing with Adenine.