Ice cream , peanut butter or melted marshmallows with puffed rice- cereal
can all work for the mantle layer of your project. Push a hard candy representing both the inner core and outer core into a ball of ice cream, or spoon a layer of ice cream into a clear plastic cup over the top of the inner and outer core.
Hope it helps
8= B : adenine with thymine , guanine with cytosine.
9= False : its not single , *dual* helical structure.
10= Every humans' DNA is different but its as similar as our relatives' DNAs as far as i know so its False.
11 = The two backbones of the DNA molecule consists a deoxyribose sugar ^with 5 carbone^ and a phosphate so the correct answer is B
12= Procaryotes' Genomes are simpler- structured than eukaryotes' so procayotes DNA is 1/1000 of eukaryotes.I couldnt translate the options correctly (im not native sorry) but i think its B according to my knowledge of that XD
13= the amount of adenine, guanine, thymime and cytosine must be same so the correct option is %40as well.
Hope it helps!!!
Stereomicroscopes is that they have a much lower magnification limit than other microscopes, such as the compound microscope, for instance. The stereomicroscope can magnify an image 100-150 times, while normal compound microscopes can magnify an image 1000-1500 times. This can be a disadvantage of stereomicroscopes, because not as much detail of the image is seen.
<em>I belong to the kingdom Plantae.
<em>Plantae is one among the five kingdoms in the five kingdom classification. </em>Plants are not mobile organisms unlike organisms of other kingdoms. <em>The roots of plants hold them to the earth and thus they are immobile.
Being immobile, they cannot run away from potential dangers like mobile organisms. But being autotrophs they make their own food by the process of photosynthesis. <em>Heterotrophs depend on autotrophs for food to obtain energy. </em>
<span>Good Morning!
The entry and exit of substances from cells occurs through the plasma membrane. The control of external and internal water balance is performed through the osmosis process. In osmosis, water moves according to solute concentrations: always from the lowest concentration to the highest concentration.