(a) Adam Smith - Believed that that in a capitalist, free-market system, all economic agents are coordinated under "the invisible hand", and this results in the benefit of all of them.
(b) Thomas Malthus - Believed that while increased food production rose standards of living, the effect was only temporary, because the same rise in food supply lead to a rise in population growth, and there would a time when there would be too many people to be fed. (the Malthusian Catastrophe).
(c) David Ricardo - He opposed mercantilism, and argued instead that unrestrained free trade benefited every nations. This is because of the concept of comparative advantage: under a free trade systems, nations would specialize in those industries they do best, and import anything that they do not produce.
Physical geography is of course about the natural World; mountains, seas, rivers, forests etc. Human geography relates only to the human environment; something that is built by humans and would not have existed in nature without humans.
Roman Catholicism
Like language the European colonists brought their religion to Latin America and taught it to the indigenous people. Roman Catholicism was the leading religion of both Spain and Portugal.