<em>1. </em><em>Lose weight:</em><em> In order to lose weight, expend more calories than they are consuming.</em>
<em>Gain weight:</em><em> In order to gain weight, one might need to intake more calories than they are expending.</em>
<em>2. Through the comparison between my calories consumed and expended throughout these last two days, may indicate that I may gain weight. My calories that I have consumed, far outnumber the calories expended. I however, do not think this comparison is accurate, because it leaves out a lot of my other physical activity. When I am waitressing at work, I am moving and going for three to four hours without sitting down. This is not included in the comparison because it is not daily labeled as “physical activity.” </em>
<em>3. As long as calories consumed and expended are not the same, diet or activity level should be adjusted for the good of the body's health.</em>
<em>6. Increasing your physical activity will make you hungrier. Choosing healthy foods will keep your fitness high. Physical activity burns calories and builds muscles making you healthier. </em>
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1 Formal demography limits its object of study to the measurement of population processes,
2 it refers to events as birth, death, migration, marriage and divorce
3 it studies only numerical data and human population
4 Formal demography is older approach to study population
1 Social demography deals with questions of population composition and change and how they interact with sociological variables at the individual and contextual levels
2 Social demography is analytical, statistical and quantitative study of human population
3 It studies both numerical data and social traits of human population.
4 social demography is newer approach to study population
Target Heart Rate
Target heart rate is generally expressed as a percentage (usually between 50 percent and 85 percent) of your maximum safe heart rate. The maximum rate is based on your age, as subtracted from 220. So for a 50-year-old, maximum heart rate is 220 minus 50, or 170 beats per minute.
There muscles will keep moving and keep tiring till when they rest it increases there level
There are many human relations skills which can help you to more willingly take on a challenging subject. Greater self-confidence is one of those for example.
Being more self-confident enables you to trust more in yourself and therefore to also think you can succeed better with more challenging topics in comparion to the scenario where you don't really think highly about yourself.