If a therapist advised you to pay attention to how you were communicating with family members and to change harmful patterns, the therapist would most likely to be practicing <span>conjoint family therapy.
</span>Conjoint family therapy is called the therapy in which a clinician sees one family in therapy. This therapy makes sense i<span>f one holds the idea that an individual is inseparable from his or her family.</span>
A) geni-tal
Freud classified the psychological stages of childhood development in terms of psycho-sexual stages. He identified five stages which are or-al, an-al, phallic, latency and geni-tal. Each stage signifies and represents the sexual desires of an individual. The stages represent the development of each body part as the individual grows. The last stage in which the genital stage begins when the individual hits his puberty. It leads towards building relationships, gaining se-xual pleasures and se-xual inter-course.
Positive sanction
An action that rewards a particular kind of behavior is a positive sanction. A negative sanction is a punishment or the threat of punishment used to enforce conformity. ... A formal sanction is a reward or punishment given by a formal organization or regulatory agency, such as a school or government.
ethnocentrism is judging other ethnic group, culture, tribe or race based on perception
Perrow (1972) stated that in order for bureaucracy to be efficient, it must be "<u>stable</u>".
Perrow (1972) has gone significantly further, proposing that "the transgressions for the most part credited to organization are either not sins at all or are results of the inability to bureaucratize adequately". Then again, Perrow additionally recognizes that the "perfect" type of an organization is never figured it out. One reason for this is individuals from the association "track a wide range of mud from whatever remains of their lives with them into the association, and they have a wide range of interests that are free of the association".