B and C ANSWER...
B) they are only present on the endoplasmic leaflet of the cell
C) they are only present on the cytosolic leaflet of the cell
The correct answer is A) Encoding genetic information
La importancia de la ADN en la celula es que la ADN contiene las instrucciones para construir las proteinas del ADN.
La ADN tambien se puede replicar y hacer copias de ella misma en cual esto es importante porque las celulas se dividen y necesitaran una copia del ADN original para poder crear mas celulas.
I’m not sure if that’s the answer but what immediately pops up in my mind is the food chain. Primary consumers (herbivores) consume producers (plants). Secondary consumers consume primary consumers etc. At the end of the day, all kinds of animals die and decompose, providing nutrients for producers to grow, continuing the circle of life.
Lion is a top predator that hunts secondary consumers. Simba’s father died and contribute to the circle of life. I hope it gave you some pointers!
Basically, the Atrioventricular valves are Mitral and Tricuspid valves located between the atrium and ventricles. Their main functions is to “prevent the backflow of blood from the ventricles into the atrium during the ventricular contraction (systole).