African Americans still faced discrimination. Many white people did not like the idea of the African Americans being freed. Most of the former slaves, grandfathers and their grandkids, would sit down together to learn how to become literate. However, most white teachers did not want to teacher them. So the African American teachers had to teach A LOT of people.
Public goods are better than other goods.
A public good is a product that one person can consume but still it can be available for another person. Another one would not be deprived for the same. This makes public good non-rivalrous. For instance, public park is a public good. If person A is using it, B can also use it at the same time. Services like fire and police are also public goods and are available to all at the same time. Thus, public goods are mostly publicly financed and hence are better.
Private good like a piece of pizza can only be eaten only person 'A' at a given time. Person 'A' can exclude others from eating it unlike a public good.
There are differing responses to this question, depending on which character provides the answer. Casca explains to Brutus and Cassius that, in the arena, Caesar refused the crown every time Antony offered it because each time he refused, the crowd responded uproariously. Casca observes that “he would fain have had it,” implying that Caesar’s refusal was, essentially, theater and that he was simply pandering to the crowd. On the other hand, Antony uses the same incident to reveal that Caesar refused the crown because he was not ambitious or power-hungry. However, it’s more likely that Caesar’s motivations were as Casca implies: Caesar theatrically refused the crown to further secure the hearts and minds of the people, and he fully intended to accept the crown when the senate officially offered it to him.
Well this really depends on your needs. California, I would say, is the best state because the weather is great, it hardly ever rains, L.A. is in California, Hollywood is in California, and, if you live in San Diego, you are close to ALL types of terrain: desert, ocean, mountains, and city.
sight is the most important sense we use, We perceive up to 80% of all impressions by means of our sight. And if other senses such as taste or smell stop working, sight is best to protect us from danger.