The market price of the security is $31.81
In order to calculate the market price of the security if its correlation coefficient with the market portfolio doubles we would have to calculate first the following:
First, calculate the dividend expected after one year with the following formula:
Next, we would have to calculate the beta of the security using the CAAPM Equation:
βi= E(ri)-rf/E(rm)-rf
Next, we have to calculate the new beta due to the change in the correlation coefficient with the following formula:
β=correlation coefficient/σm*σs
Next, Calculate the new expected return as follows:
Finally we calculate the new piece of the security as follows:
The market price of the security is $31.81
White-collar<span> work is performed in an office, cubicle, or other administrative setting. </span>blue-collar workers<span>, whose job requires manual labors </span>
A hostile takeover with IDNIC corporation as the target company.
Since SKRAM is appealing directly to shareholders of IDNIC to acquire stocks of IDNIC corporation, it means they have a target of getting them to have a certain percentage of ownership in IDNIC because owning a stock in a company means having a percentage of ownership in that company.
This kind of appeal can be likened to trying to an aggressive push to make the shareholders take over the IDNIC corporation.