The answer to this question is Upper-left
The creator of a website will generally want that the visitors wanted to know who are responsible in making the content.
Because of this, they usually put their name on the upper left because most people will start reading a page from that spot
Calculating the bill total for the week:
The Sum Function in excel is a very easy mathematical operation to sum the daily bill amounts. In the cell for the sum, you can manually enter the sum function by typing (=sum), then you define the parameters (=sum(C50:I50). One you press the "enter" the result is automatically displayed. This can also be automatically done by pressing the Sum Function on the Ribbon or Alt + =.
In Microsoft Excel, the Sum Function is a mathematical operation or syntax that provides the formula for adding, subtracting, or getting the total numerical content of indicated cells. With the Sum Function of Excel you can add, subtract, multiply, and divide, for example A1 * A4, C20/A2, A4 - A5, and so on.
Five phases guide the new product development process for small businesses: idea generation, screening, concept development, product development and, finally, commercialization.