Answer: Market maker
Market maker is the person who is participant of market through buying and selling securities ,commodities etc. The person tends to buy shares from the market at low price and then sell them at a higher price.This trading technique helps them in making money .
According to the question, JSE security exchange is market maker.This stock exchange company helps in trading the securities between the trading parties.
Socialism is the one that is being referred when the economic system in which the government has the ability to manage the economy in terms of the interest of the particular, workers. It is an act of practicing ownership and control in terms of social and economic system.
Power distributes among a few groups.
According to sociologist Wright Mills, who wrtote book The Power Elite in 1956, there is six groups: presidents of the most important companies, landowners, military officers, U.S. federal government, media personalities and notable local families.
Astrology is the study of the influence of stars and planets on your future.
The answer is cognitive depression. Cognitive depression is also known as Neurocognitive disorders. The most communal mental disorder is often treated with cognitive therapy based on Beck's theory, which proposes that depressive perceptions (negative views of self, world, and future) affect psychosocial functioning.