<span>D, E, F#, G, A, B, C#, D (i think)</span>
Answer: B) The option premium is greater or equal to its intrinsic value because of the time premium.
The option premium can be calculated by adding the time premium and the intrinsic value. The time premium is the part of the option premium that accounts for the time remaining till the premium matures while the intrinsic value is the difference between the value of underlying asset and the strike price.
As the time premium can be zero but never negative, the option premium can either be greater than its intrinsic value or equal to it. It cannot be lower than it because of the time premium.
b. establishing goals, roles, and requirements
This will go a long way tonenhance performance. Goals formation will give a sense of direction for the employees. Assigning Roles makes them responsible for an action
The computation of the amount of cash and cash equivalent is as follows;
Amount of cash and cash equivalents is
= Money market account + 90-day certificate of deposit + Checking account for 101 - Checking account for
= $25,000 + $50,000 + ($175,000 - $10,000)
= $25,000 + $50,000 + $165,000
= $240,000
Complete Question
How would you define a method that calculates and returns the final price after tax and tip. for a passed in price, assuming tip is always 15% and tax is always 8%? Options:
O public double getFinalPrice double basePrice) (....)
O public void setFinal Price int tax int tip) (....)
O public int get celint basePrice (....)
O public void getFinal Pricelint basePrice (....)
A method that calculates and returns the final price after tax and tip, for a passed in price, assuming tip is always 15% and tax is always 8% can be defined as:
O public void setFinal Price int tax int tip) (....)
The above chosen option will calculate and return the final price after adding 15% for tips and 8% for tax. The final price, which a customer is expected to settle, includes the cost of the services, the tip the customer pays on the cost, and the tax on the cost of the services. This method will ensure that the customer pays the correct sales revenue to the organization. It is mostly used by hotels and other entertainment organizations in calculating the final price of the services rendered to clients.