Answer: The moon was 20 farms away from earth so If I ate a couch then went to my treadmill outside of my cow, I could add the letter Grammar to my checklist.
Explanation: You see, If there was a man who had no arms or legs he would be walking with his feet right? SO If I added chickens to my head and ate the Eifel tower am I 50% a chocolate bar. Hope this helps
B. one characterized by nonrivalry and nonexcludability.
Quasi-Public good is considered as the goods which characterized by the both private and public goods e.g Roads, bridges etc. These goods have incompetent market and it lacks the existence of free market. These goods are non-rivalry and non-excludability. So option B is the appropriate answer for this question.
The answer is: remain the same
The marginal utility of a good or service is how much better we feel when consuming an extra unit of that good or service. For example if we are very thirsty, the marginal utility of consuming a can of Coke is very large, but once our thirst is quenched, an extra can of Coke will not provide use with that much satisfaction as before.
If the price of a substitute good increases, the marginal utility of the good whose price didn't change, will remain the same.
Let's go back to the Coke example. An extra can of Coke will give me 5 more satisfaction units (I'm assuming I can measure satisfaction) and an extra slice of pizza will give me 7 more units of satisfaction. If the price of Coke increases from 50 cents to $1, its marginal utility will decrease. I will buy more pizza because the satisfaction I get from drinking Coke is now smaller.
tell the cops and sue her hopefully if you win you could get money