The Zionist Movement.
The birth and actions of the Zionist Movement were spurred by two things: the Jewish beliefs regarding a return to their ancient homeland and the anti-Semitic events in Europe in the early 20th century. The founder is Theodore Herzl. Its origins are in Eastern and Central Europe in the last years of the 19th century.
Explanation: MOV instruction copies a word or byte from a specified source to a specified destination. The destination can be a register or a memory location. The source can be a register or a memory location or an immediate number .
For MOV CX 037AH: put immediate number 037AH to CX
For MOV BL, (437AH) : copy byte in Ds at offset 437AH to BL
For MOV AX BX : copy content register BX to AX
For MOV DL, (BX) : copy byte from memory at(BX) to DL
That identifies the differences. Good luck.
The crisis of the Roman Catholic Church was the rise of the Protestants. The movement initiated by these people is called "Reformation" which was led by Martin Luther and was continued by John Calvin and others. The movement aims to "reform the Catholic Church, mainly its religious forms." This became a threat to the absolute power of the Church.