It has to be more specific and easier to understand because of its importance.
it provides a design approach to a specific type of problem
#program in Python
#read until user Enter an integer
while True:
#try block to check integer
#read input from user
inp = int(input("Enter an integer: "))
#print input
print("The integer is: ",inp)
#if input is not integer
except ValueError:
#print message
print("Wrong: try again.")
In try block, read input from user.If the input is not integer the print a message in except block.Read the input until user enter an integer. When user enter an integer then print the integer and break the loop.
Enter an integer: acs
Wrong: try again.
Enter an integer: 4a
Wrong: try again.
Enter an integer: 2.2
Wrong: try again.
Enter an integer: 12
The integer is: 12
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Answer: In operating system a code segment which accesses some shared variables or resources one at a time atomically such other no other code or process is accessing that resource or variable at the same time.
Entry section code block allows the access to the shared resource or variable and exit section code signals the termination from access to the shared resource or variable.
Entry and exit section codes needs to check certain properties before allowing the access and removal of access to a particular code segment.
These conditions are:
1. Bounded waiting.
2. Mutual exclusion.
3. checking thread execution status to allows other threads to enter the critical section (CS).