=vlookup(h14, a5:h11,8,false)
Here, h15 is the cell in which we need the output and the value to be matched in rows to find the exact row is h14, and the range is expressed as a5:h11. Now to find the column number, we need to figure out the first and the concerned column. So, the concerned column is in which the total attendance is being listed and it is h(h14), and the first column is a. So, the column number is a=1 h=8, =8. And since we need the exact match, the value of the fourth argument is false. And thus, we have the above formula. Remember. vlookup formula is:
=vlookup(cell where the result is to be placed, range, column number in the same row as h14, exact match or approximate match). For exact match it's false, and for the approximate match, it's true.
1. Cybercrimes are online crimes that cause loss of money some examples are: Identity fraud, Cyber bribery, Debit/credit card fr/ud, and Email fr/ud.
2. In medical offices devices linked to CT scans are able to be h/cked, there is r/nsomw/re that uses their devices. Since medic/l computers are always linked to the internet. it makes it easier for them to be h/cked. They make an employee click on an e-mail carrying m/lw/re, then the cybercrimin/ls encrypt p/tient data then dem/nd p/yment for its decryption.
3. This is a personal question but if you have ever been sc/mmed or witnessed someone being sc/mmed or almost got sc/mmed it might apply to this question
Yes.It would be considered as a computer Crime.
This is because you are an unauthorised user