He intended to harm the coach, not kill him, but he did kill the man with a purposeful hit, even if it wasn't intended for him
Spain is the landlocked one
C and E (industrious and vigorous )
To be an industrious individuals means to be a hardworking, dedicated and diligent individual with a tireless and energetic attitude.
Vigorous personality means to be full of energetic and enthusiastic attitude. These were the best right choice of answer owing to the clue gotten from the subsequent phrase "his penmanship carried such preponderance" which shows poet Hanz Joerin was energetic enthusiastic and vigorous in writing. This is also implied by the statement "ink would bleed through to subsequent pages",
This idea is according to the Opponent-Process Theory.
Opponent-Process Theory suggests the way an individual perceives colors is controlled by 3 opposing systems:
- Green vs. red
- Blue vs. yellow
- black vs. white
An individual can only detect one of the two colors from each system at a time, since once of the colors tends to conceal the other.
This theory can be applied to emotions as well, also looking at them as pairs of opposites such as:
- Sleepiness vs. arousal
- Fear vs. relief
- Pain vs. pleasure
In this case, once the stimulus which has caused fear ends, the opposite emotion will occur; relief.