Answer: The homestead of a family, not to exceed two hundred acres of land, (not included in a town or city, or any town or city lot or lots,) in value not to exceed two thousand dollars, shall not be subject to forced sale for any debts hereafter contracted; nor shall the owner, if a married man, be at liberty to alienate the same, unless by the consent of the wife, in such manner as the legislature may hereafter point out. Homestead Act of 1862, in U.S. history, significant legislative action that promoted the settlement and development of the American West. It was also notable for the opportunity it gave African Americans to own land. Pres. Abraham Lincoln signed the Homestead Act into law on May 20, 1862.
A nation-state consists of people of the same culture and background which generally means they all share a language to communicate with. Most nation-states have an official language that must be used in all documents and businesses.
Better transport so you could see their better, machines were doing jobs so you could hang more, gave you something to talk about (new inventions)