a cold fluffy day where fluff falls from the sky
No 25 NA CANT.
19th, JULY, 2020.
Dear John,
How are you doing over there? Hope you are keeping safe and observe regulations regarding the pandemic? As for me am doing great over here.
I write to narrate the things I have been engaged with since the lock-down was imposed, you know I cant go a day without surface the internet, I was one of the luckiest persons to get a data grant of 30 GB during the first phase of the lock-down, with this amount of data I was able to enroll in three different courses on cousera where a did machine learning, python programming for data science and artificial intelligence and contact tracing course (which I obtained the certificate five days letter)
The lock-down period has helped me to improve on new soft skills sets especially in the programming sphere. i would that you check out cousera website for soft skill set that will interest you and pick from there, I hope to get a positive response from you upon receipt of this letter
yours truly
The person loves going to the beach
So the well known writer gets credit for what he or she has written