Following are the program in the C++ Programming Language:
#include <iostream>//header file
using namespace std;//namespane
//set main method
int main() {
int a[100]; //set integer type array variable
int value, i = 0; //set integer variables
cout<<"Enter less than 0 to exit:"<<endl; //message for exit
cout<<"Enter the integer numbers:"<<endl; //message to enter numbers
do{ //set do while
cin>>value; //get input from the user
a[i++] = value; //append elements in array
cout<<"\nArray are:"<<endl;//message for array
for(int k = 0;k<i;k++){ //set for loop
cout<<a[k]<<" "; //print array
return 0;
Enter less than 0 to exit:
Enter the integer numbers:
Array are:
1 2 3 4 5
Here, we set the integer data type main method "main()" and inside it:
- we set integer type array variable with index value 100.
- we set two integer type variable "value" and "i" initialize value 0.
- we set the do-while loop in which we get the input from the user and and append in the array and pass condition if the value is greater then equal to 0.
- Finally, set for loop and print the elements of an array.
Kernal is the core of an operating system that maintains the computer’s clock, starts applications, and assigns the computer’s resources, such as devices, programs, apps, data, and information.
d. kernal.
Every operating system runs the operating system based on kernel instructions. Main or major role of operating system is kernel. If boot loader program fails to load kernel operation is missing the kernel we need to reinstall operating system or repair the operating system.
To display clock in the workstation or laptop or desktop, clock device driver been executed by kernel of operating system.
Kernel is core of any operating system, but kernel also controlled by operating system such as Unix etc.
<span>Knowledge can reside in email, voice mail, graphics, and unstructured documents as well as structured documents.
The answer is a. True
The purpose of the conclusion paragraph is not only to wrap up the essay, but also to show the strong and central points in the essay alone. Since you are wrapping up the essay, it's your final paragraph and you have to clearly state all of your points and what and why the essay is written (depends on what you are talking about). But, the one purpose of an essay's conclusion is to clearly state the central points of the essay.
The fastest way to get help is to type a word or two in the search box. TRUE.