HI~ I hope this helps
(these answers were hand-written meaning I did not copy and paste so, feel free to use the answers freely)
When ecosystems change rapidly the fundamental environmental cycles such as the circulation of water, carbon and nutrients can change as ecosystems depend on them. The usage of factors such as freshwater, carbon dioxide emissions and fertilizer provides a large benefit to humas therefore meaning, that large and rapid changes to an ecosystem could also effect the things we as humans rely on.
Complex organic matter is broken down by decomposers into carbon dioxide, water etc. The ecosystem is affected based upon the fact that the decomposition of organic matter that is produced by plants, animals and soil organisms is an important process which affects the different important ecosystem processes like nutrient cycling and carbon sequestration.
3. (could have two answers- I recommend the second)
Adaptation- due to the mutation process which results in changes in the structure and function of organisms, these ecosystems would be different as well as unique. The organisms which possesses the traits needed to adapt could then survive as its unique characteristics due to mutation would provide a strong ability
Rise in temperature- If the temperature located on earth was to rise, organisms would have a higher living rate as bacterial life flourishes in warmer temperatures and dies out in colder ones.
~The rapid change of increased food production provides better life sustainability to those living in the ecosystem.
~The rapid change in a large increasing number of organisms could be helpful as they often live of off one another.
~Rapid growth of things such as phytoplankton which cause dead zones are harmful to the ecosystem. Dead zones create zones where too much oxygen is consumed resulting in areas where plants and sea life can no longer survive.
~Whereas the rapid increase of organisms could also be harmful to an ecosystem as the possibility of the organism outnumbering the food sources could become prominent.
Nuestro planeta esta habitada por numerosas <em>especies</em>, muchas de ellas extendidas en grandes y diversas zonas. Sin embargo, existen especies que habitan una sola <em>área/región</em> con características<em> ambientales</em> únicas para su desarrollo.
Entre las miles de especies que habitan el planeta, muchas de ellas pueden estar ampliamente distribuidas, mostrando adaptaciones a una gran variedad de ambientes y hábitats, mientras que muchas otras solo se encuentran restringidas a determinadas areas o regiones particulares que presentan condiciones ambientales determinadas. Esta diferencia en distribución esta muy relacionada a la historia de la especie, a la edad de la misma sobre la tierra, adaptaciones a los ambientes y capacidades reproductivas y de dispersión.
Dentro de la clasificación de especies de acuerdo a su distribución, podemos mencionar a las especies
- nativas: aquellas que habitan y se distribuyen las áreas naturales donde se originaron,
- endemicas: entran dentro del concepto de nativas, pero a parte se caracterizan por habitar <u><em>unicamente</em></u><em> una región en particular debido a las condiciones ambientales</em> que les son propicias para su desarrollo. Estas especies no pueden trasladarse a otras regiones.
- exoticas: aquellas especies que salen de su area natural de distribución para habitar otras areas mas lejanas. Allí pueden establecerse e interactuar con especies nativas sin causar grandes daños.
- invasoras: especies exoticas que llegan a otras areas, que se establecen y que tienen la capacidad de reproducirse a una tasa superior a la de las especies nativas, invadiendolas y desplazandolas. Interactuan con las especies nativas y causan daños importantes.
Los términos nativos, endemicos, exóticos son <em>relativos al área a la que se esté haciendo alusión</em>: un continente, un país, una región o un bioma.
1: Population; 2: Biome;3: Ecosystem
Population refers to the number of people in a state. Biome is a large area characterised by it's vegetation, soil,climate, and wildlife. Ecosystem is a geographic area where plants, animals and other organisms exists
It consists of the mouth, or oral cavity, with its teeth, for grinding the food, and its tongue, which serves to knead food and mix it with saliva; the throat, or pharynx; the esophagus; the stomach; the small intestine, consisting of the duodenum, the jejunum, and the ileum; and the large intestine, consisting of the cecum, a closed-end sac connecting with the ileum, the ascending colon, the transverse colon, the descending colon, and the sigmoid colon, which terminates in the rectum. Glands contributing digestive juices include the salivary glands, the gastric glands in the stomach lining, the pancreas, and the liver and its adjuncts—the gallbladder and bile ducts. All of these organs and glands contribute to the physical and chemical breaking down of ingested food and to the eventual elimination of nondigestible wastes.