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Because if they have sexual intercourse with a condom the egg inside you won’t get fertilized and become your period if they have sexual inter course without a condom the egg will be put together with the spent and fertilize the egg and become a baby
Answer: Teaching, Nursing, and Voting.
Each of these are an example of generativity because not everone will do these things but 9% will.
Be active it’s will help you want to keep going on doing things
Go do things you never thought you would to make memories that you can keep forever and it will make you mental health much better(:
make sure to pay attention and do the thing you don’t want just so you don’t have to worry about it or have the shame on you.
I think that’s what you asked for sorry if I’m wrong
Allergic reaction is produced when immune system reacts against a foreign substance that is usually not harmful for the body. Anaphylactic reaction is a severe form of allergic reaction. The major difference between both is that symptoms of allergic reaction usually are skin based and less severe whereas anaphylactic reaction involves respiratory and cardiovascualr system too and can be very dangerous. An anaphylactic reaction begins as an allergic reaction but worsens after sometimes.
Symptoms of allergic reaction:
- rash
- watery itchy eyes
- hives
- nasal congestion
- sweeling of lips and face
Symptoms of anaphylactic reaction:
- tightness in chest
- difficulty in breathing
- dizziness
- paleness
- abdominal cramps
- hoarse voice