Answer: The correct answer is A. Descriptive.
Explanation: Marketing research can be understood as the process of planning, collecting and adquiring the data thats necessary for decision making.
In marketing research certain roles are categorized and each one of those roles has a function within the research.
The roles are:
1- Descriptive role/function
2- Diagnostic role/function
3- Predictive role/function
<u>The descriptive role can be explained as the process of gathering and presenting statements of facts.</u>
In this particular case, Cleo is given the responsibility of gathering information about the countries where sales of cameras have been high and the reson behind customers' preference of certain cameras to others in the market.
Cleo is 1- Gathering information & 2- Presenting statements of facts, thus she is performing, or will need to perform the a. Descriptive role of marketing research.
The answer is God is in charge not man and if he deems that war is necessary then we as a nation must complete it.
Lincoln's speech was not about gloating nor rejoicing. He talked about his deeply thoughts about the war.
He said that the "scourge of war", for him was divine punishment, because of the sin of slavery.
As he said: "With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle [...]"
Option C
Equal environment
The equal environment assumption is a biometric model that predicts how far the monozygotic twins are correlated to each other upon their exposure to environmental effects which are of etiologically significance to the trait/traits under consideration.
Psychology is a study of human behavior and mind, both conscious and unconscious. This study may be enriched by the knowledge of cultural differences because the differences allow us to better understand the behavior and the way others think. We will not then be easy to judge other people by the way they are.