Every email address is something like this ... <u>[email protected]</u>
the name after the @ symbol is a domain name that represents the administrative realm for the mail box and the part before the @symbol identifies the name of the mailbox.
<u>twrigley(local portion)</u>@ gumchewer.biz(domain)
twrigley is the local portion which indicates to the mail server which mailbox the message is from or to.This portion is only important to gumchewer mail server which is why it is called local.
favorite_color = input("Enter favorite color:\n")
pet = input("Enter pet's name:\n")
num = input("Enter a number:\n")
print("You entered: "+favorite_color+" "+pet+" "+num)
password1 = favorite_color+"_"+pet
password2 = num+favorite_color+num
print("First password: "+password1)
print("Second password: "+password2)
print("Number of characters in "+password1+": "+str(len(password1)))
print("Number of characters in "+password2+": "+str(len(password2)))
This works for me.