Baje las persianas o cierre las cortinas en los días calurosos, para mantener la casa fresca y reducir el uso de ventiladores eléctricos o aire acondicionado. Deje que la ropa se seque naturalmente. Mantenga las tapas en las ollas cuando cocine para ahorrar energía. Use baterias recargables.
Pseudocode and flowchart.
I just got it correct.
because a business wants you to buy their product. Its like gas prices, when one gas price is lower than another stores, people tend to go to the one with the lower price.
The four types of maintenance in IT are given as:
Preventive maintenance: It is the important part to facilitates the management system and it should be designed carefully o prevent them from failure. the main aim of preventive maintenance is to successfully establish the design to improve the system performance.
Corrective maintenance: It basically refers to the changes made to repair the defects in the implementation and designing of the system. It is usually performed after the failure occur in the equipment. It also increased overall productivity of the system.
Perfective maintenance: It basically improve the performance of the system, efficiency and maintainability. This type of maintenance are initiated by the IT department.
Adaptive maintenance: It involves the implementation changes in the system to increase its functionality. It basically improve its efficiency and increase its capability. It is less urgent than corrective maintenance.