First find the lowest common multiple of the denominators which are 12 3 9 and 27 these all go into 108. Next divide 108 by the original denominators for example 108/12 is 9 then times 9 by the numerator which is 5 and you get 45 so the first one is 45/108. Do this for them all and order by the size of the numerator
Shidddd lil buddy, try the 3rd one
The "option d: + 13x + 12" is a trinomial with a constant term.</h2>
Step-by-step explanation:
To check options:
a: x + 4y
Here, the coefficient of x = 1 and the coefficient of y = 4
Here, the coefficient of = 1
c: + 3 + 2y
Here, the coefficient of = 1, the coefficient of = 4 and the coefficient of y = 2
d: + 13x + 12
Here, the coefficient of = 1, the coefficient of x = 13 and
constant term = 12
Thus, the "option d) + 13x + 12" is a trinomial with a constant term.