3. In elastic deformation, the deformed body returns to its original shape and size after the stresses are gone. In ductile deformation, there is a permanent change in the shape and size but no fracturing occurs. In brittle deformation, the body fractures after the strength is above the limit.
4. Normal faults are faults where the hanging wall moves in a downward force based on the footwall; they are formed from tensional stresses and the stretching of the crust. Reverse faults are the opposite and the hanging wall moves in an upward force based on the footwall; they are formed by compressional stresses and the contraction of the crust. Thrust faults are low-angle reverse faults where the hanging wall moves in an upward force based on the footwall; they are formed in the same way as reverse faults. Last, Strike-slip faults are faults where the movement is parallel to the crust of the fault; they are caused by an immense shear stress.
For the recessive trait to be expressed, both parents should have at least 1 allele for the recessive trait. Now you can see that both recessive traits were expressed in at least one of the off-springs, this means that both parents had the allele for each recessive trait.