Use long division.
1. If the number you're dividing by has a decimal, move the decimal point all the way to the right counting the number of places you've moved it to. Then move the decimal point in the number you're dividing the same number of places to the right.
2. Insert a decimal point in the quotient (answer) space, exactly above the decimal point in the number under the division bar.
3. Divide until the remainder is zero, or until you have enough decimal places in your answer. You can also stop if the remainder repeats because this indicates that your answer is a repeating decimal.
0 3 5 9
22| 7898
- 66
1 2 9
- 1 1 0
1 9 8
- 1 9 8
So the answer is 359.
Step-by-step explanation:
Tan 145 = - 0.7002
Tan 85 = 11.43
Tan 145 + tan 85 = 10.7298
1 - tan(145)* tan(85) = 9.003
(Tan(145) + Tan(85)) / (9.003)
= 10.73 / 9.003
= 1.1918
I misread the question. If you mean
(Tan145+tan85) /1-tan145*tan85 (brackets are really important here)
then the answer is
Tan(145 + 85)
= Tan(230)
= 1.1918
Answer: 113=53 (This is a false equation, meaning that both sides are not equal to each other)
Explanation: I’m not sure what your answer choices are but to get that answer I first rewrote the equation with the variable “m” replaced with 6 since m=6. Therefore it should be 18(6)+5=6(6)+17. Then I multiplied 18 by 6 to get 108, to then add 5 to get 113. Following that, i then multiplied 6 by 6 to get 36 then added 17 to get 53. The equation would then look like 113=53 when solved.
The answer is 6/40. All the others equal 1/5.