Is having an attractive physique important? Why or why not? What dangers, if any, do you see in pursuing an ideal body type? Wha
t does an ideal body type for a man or a woman look like to you? What sources in your environment and social circles influence how you define ideal body type? Share a real-world story about how the pursuit of an appealing physique succeeded or failed for an individual. Borrow the story from the news or share an experience of your own
In society today I find the media is very influencial in how we perceive someone as attractive or not. The media portrays women being thin beautiful, with make up, lovely shiny hair etc. and the dangers with this can be from a girl who doesnt have those certain attributes and in turn, turns to harmful methods or ways in order to achieve it for example Anorexia to become thinner. Many girls today have very low self confidence due to either being put down for their looks by their social groups or for having their own issues with not looking like a "model" or such. An attractive person should go beyond the physical and personality should be taken into account. Everyone has different tastes in the end so it is important to just be yourself and love your own body.
Well he can grap her and get her of the skating range and put her somwhere where no one can h u r t her take a look at her fi n ger you dont want to put water becaue it will be cold and it wont go well so just wrap a cloth or anything that soft around and c o m f o r t her and wait t i l l they come?