This lines are called latitude.
Groupthink is a psychological phenomenon which occurs when members of a certain group decided to conform to the majority opinion/perspective held by the group even if it contradicts their own personal belief.
Typically, groupthink is caused by inherent desire to avoid being regarded as an outcasts by other members of the group. So rather than saying different opinion and distort the harmony within the group, they decided to bow down to the group's view and create an illusion of unanimity.
This excerpt most represents the fundamental principle of Option B: checks and balances.
The balance of powers between the different branches of government are described in this passage from the US Constitution. While the passage most focuses on the power of the executive branch, meaning the president and his appointees, it also describes how the Senate has to consent to treaties by two thirds and that the Senate also provides advice and consent on other executive appointments. The excerpt describes how Congress has the power to decide who should appoint lower officers in the government representing another check and balance to executive power.