Pinus :)
this made me laugh
A) Formulate question,conduct research,propose hypothesis,test hypothesis
The scientific method is pertinent to the success of a scientific experiment. The scientific method is a sequential steps of processes involved in an experimentation. The correct order of steps that determines the process when following the scientific method are:
1) Formulate question: Asking a question about what has been previously observed is the key to starting a scientific method.
2) Conduct research: Research is done based on a previous observation that has been made by in order to gather necessary information.
3) Propose hypothesis: A hypothesis is a predictive statement or explanation to an asked question about the experiment that can be tested. It usually goes in an IF, THEN format.
4) Test hypothesis: As stated in the previous step, a hypothesis must be testable, which is done by conducting an experiment. The outcome of the experiment proves or disproves the hypothesis.
Changes in gene expression
This phenomenon is the result of changes in gene expression. That means, how the information in the DNA is used by the cell. The genes that are active in the cells of the brain will be very different from the genes that are active in the cells of the bone marrow.
These patterns of gene expression are different for each cell, and dictate the identity of that cell. Gene expression patterns are controlled by a variety of factors in the cell that allow tissue-specific expression, such a transcription factors.
This can also be facilitated by another layer of regulation called epigenetics, which literally means "on top of" genetics, and refers to modifications of DNA (and the proteins around it), that can reflect and influence the activity of the genes within.
Estuaries, often reffered to as the nurseries of the sea provide feedind habitats for many aquatic animals and plants. Fish and shellfish commonly eaten in the U.S such as oyesters and Salmon complete almost half of their lifecycles in estuaries. Due to its shallow water,Pamlico estuary especially provides opportunities such as Fishing, crabbing and watersports as well.
We can be able to determine this concept by basing our facts on two concepts. Nutrient Influx, upon reaching the estuarian ecosystem, the nutrients in the presence of sunlight undergoes photosynthesis and produce phytoplanktons. Basically, where there is sunlight, we can assume there is a nutrient influx. Presence of Phytoplanktons will in turn help attract animals such as fish. Also, another contribution of nutrient influx is manure produced by the animals
Sewage treatment plans and fertilizer runoff. Auto emissions of nitrogen, fertilizers applied on golf courses and home gardens can contribute. Some plankton species may produce toxins that might cause these outbreaks