service dogs. Service dogs ( capital letter)
don't start so with a capital letter
yes they look right
if they not school makes no sense
The reason why "good vs. evil" is a universal theme is because there are always two forces at work one for good and one for evil and for every good/evil thing there is an evil/good thing that will go up against each other until the end of time or at least until one of them is defeated, but then another good/evil thing will appear to take it place.
Example 1:
Your in high school and there is a bully and you try to stop the bully from hurting others. This makes you the good force and the bully the evil force (he/she doesn't have to be "evil" per-say just bad or mean will do).
the author used it to clarify the meaning of a certain thing or character
Books of Hours
The book of hours is a Christian book which was popular in the Middle Age.It is also called Liturgy of the Hours. Book of Hours included an official set of prayers for hours of each day to be used by common people. It formed the basis of official public prayer of the church.These books had also some paintings.