B drink water before during and after excersize.
that's just the way it works
11. Proteins - B. Used to build, maintain and repair cells; help produce
6. Water
A. Inorganic molecules found in all body tissues
8. Carbohydrates
C. Major source of energy needed for body functions;
9. Vitamins
D. Organic molecules important for growth and repair;
carry certain vitamins to the cells
10. Minerals
E. Important for regulating body functions: used to build
and repair body tissues
The pancreas secretes trypsin and chymotrypsin enzymes which continue breakdown proteins into smaller peptides and some single amino acids. Carboxypeptidase also secreted by the pancreas splits single amino acids from the carboxyl end of proteins.
Bile, which contains a mix salts, is secreted by the liver . Bile salts help to continue digestion of fats by attaching to small fat droplets, preventing them from coalescing into larger droplets, thereby increasing their surface area so that they can be further broken down by lipase enzymes.
Answer: By having variety in what you eat, you give your body a balanced amount of different properties your food has.