Population density and transportation, Switzerland (technically), Africa
population density means of the population is close together and as such it can spread easier. Modern transportation I.E. buses, planes, railroads can transport large numbers of infected people to several different places within a nation and lead to more cases Switzerland is the highest per capita it has 1340 confirm cases per 1 million people however that's likely because they are able to test a large amount of the population at once whereas a larger Nations such as the u.s. or China is unable to test all their population at once and get accurate results. Africa is least affected due to not having a lot of population some together with the exception of some major cities and more industrialized countries such as Egypt and also Lacking the modern transportation systems available in more industrialized nations they don't have as many trains they don't really have too many planes able to transport infected people everywhere
your answer is antibodies reacting to foreign antigens.
Answer:Glycolysis: (p. 94; Fig. 6.7A-C)
Refers to:
Energy investment phase: Steps 1 – 4 C-C-C-C-C-C
How many ATP's required (used)?
Results in 2 molecules of 3 phosphoglyceraldehyde (G3P) C-C-C C-C-C
Note: Step 5 is an isomeration step between G3P & Dihydixyacetone phosphate
Energy yielding phase: Steps 6 – 10 (G3P) C-C-C C-C-C
The correct answer is: Yes, this is an example of Reproductive Isolation.
- Reproductive Isolation can be defined as the mechanism adopted by different species during the course of their evolution, due to which the individuals belonging to different species are incapable of mating with each other and producing viable offspring.
- The given question is an example of Mechanical, Pre-zygotic Reproductive Isolation.
- Prezygotic Isolation refers to the mechanism adopted by individuals of different species during the course of evolution such that successful fertilisation of gametes from individuals of different species never occur, hence a viable zygote is never formed.
- Mechanical Isolation refers to the mechanism adopted by individuals of different species during the course of evolution such that their reproductive organs or the organs that assist in the process of reproduction are incompatible to each other. Hence, the gametes of each species are unable to come in vicinity of each other.
- Here, the pollen grain from the flower of one species of juniper is unable to form the pollen tube when its sits on the stigma of the flower of another species of juniper. This is an example of Mechanical Isolation.
The Andes mountains running along the western edge of south america were formed by collisions between the south american plate which is continental and the nazca plate which is oceanic. The collision reasons the continental crust to clasp and form fold mountains which are then scattered with volcanoes produced by melting of nazca plate as it is enforced down into the earth’s mantle.