Erik Erikson was a psychologist who developed a theory of social development according to which we go through different stages during our whole lifespan, these stages are basically crisis which we are supposed to solve in order to continue our development.
The last stage of this theory is called ego integrity versus despair and it begins at approximately age 65 and it continues until death. During this stage, people look back and contemplate their lives and the accomplishments they achieved in their lives. If they think they had a meaningful life they achieve a sense of integrity. On the other hand if they think their life wasn't meaningful, they develop a sense of despair.
In this example, Abner has 70 years old and he feels that his life has not been of any real value or significance. <u>Because of his age we can see that he must be in the stage of "ego integrity vs despair" and since he doesn't feel like he lived a meaningful live we can see that he is not achieving a sense of </u><u>integrity</u><u>. </u>
Before slavery became an issue, it is socially acceptable for American people to see that people from a certain race or ethnicity are inferior over the other.
They use that as a justification for all horrible things that they did to these minorities. For example, They enslaved the Black people, heavily overwork Mexican and Asian people on their labor, massacre the native american people to steal their land, etc.
As industrial revolution came into united states, more American people realized that they would no longer need slavery as their labors. They can use machinery to increase their production instead.
This led to a new wave of progressive movement that advocated for the Abolishment of slavery. It opened up people's eyes that they've been using fellow human being as a tool for production and they aware they need to took drastic measure to give them freedom. This eventually led to the civil war which won by the union and force the southern states to gave up slavery.
But the movement didn't stop there. People believe that US faced other social issues that needed to be addressed. So the progressive movement continue to brought attention to problems such as giving women's right to vote, providing legal citizenship for the ex-slaves, Providing workers with minimum wage, etc.
Rich black soil also referred to as “The gift of the nile” they also believed the river flooded from the tears of the goddess Iris as she cried over the death of her husband Osiris.
The answer is: C. were superior at learning mazes.
From the result of this experiment, we can learn the different possibilities of learning methodologies that are applicable by mammals.
When combining the cages with colorful patterns, platforms, and ladders, the rat subjects in the experiments are trained to utilized different part of their brains when they try to solve a certain problems. The study suggested that this is the reason why rats in enriched cage were superior at learning mazes.
The correct answer is - already be registered to vote.
In order for a person to be able to vote in Washington State, that person has to a citizen of the United States of America, a resident of Washington State, and have at least 18 years of age.
Further, the person needs to register for the voting on time. The registration can be done in person, and that should be done at least eight days before the elections take place. Also, there's the option of registering by mail or online, but if that is the choice, then the person has to register 29 days before the elections take place.