For Tom thought of the lands beyond his home, a dream of adventure sprung in his mind, to seek the world's unknown in it's waning light, and cross the bridge to another life. So for Tom to embark 'ere adventure await, and his good friend Bob by his fringe, he crossed the last known bridge to the unknown lands, 'ere to quell his spirit of adventure that festers in him. But what lays ahead in these uncharted lands, Tom knew not though freedom reigns, and his spirit moved towards these undying lands, lit by the sun but never trodden, oh that uncharted land beyond that bridge.
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This poem was written by William Carlos William.<span>freely written. </span><span>It followed no pattern but continuously written. </span><span> It has a sort of rhythm making it fond to hear. It was an ordinary poem of food. It only tells an appreciation of reserved food for breakfast which the author ate one day.</span>
The last verse has a tone of adrenaline and disharmony, unlike the other verses that present a tone of happiness and harmony.
In the first verses the poet presents a tone of harmony and joy, where the speaker of the poem describes a happy moment in his life, where he observes a swallow that gives him good ideas and feelings.
However, the last stage presents a struggle, which completely changes the tone of the poem, expressing a tone of disharmony, discomfort and adrenaline, because the pace of the poem becomes more frantic, as a fight should be.